Book Title: Time Crawlers: Stories from Parallel Universes Author : Varun Sayal ISBN : --- Publisher : --- Genre : Science Fiction Publication : 2018 Pages : 118 Format : E-book BOOK BLURB: Alien Invasion, Dark Artificial Intelligence, Time-Travel, High-Tech Mythology, Djinn Folklore, Telekinetics, and life-consuming Cosmic Entities are some major themes in this book which has six tightly-knit, fast-paced Sci-Fi stories. 1. Nark-astra, The Hell Weapon The weapons he possesses make him the destroyer of worlds, and he burns for revenge. A high-tech take on ancient Indian mythology. 2. Death by Crowd The dark desires of the masses; darknet websites fueled by a crypto-currency. What lurks in the background – an advanced artificial intelligence? 3. Genie He rubbed a lamp alright, but what he got was the shock of his life. An entirely sci-fi take on the djinn myth. 4. Time Crawlers There are individuals who existing in multiple time periods a...
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