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Showing posts from July, 2018

Book Review : Some Very Dignified Disclosures

BOOK DETAILS: Book Title : Some Very Dignified Disclosures Author : Anumita Sharma ISBN :  9789387849068 Publisher : Pratishthaa Films and Media   Genre : General Fiction Publication : 2018 Pages : 253 Format : Paperback BOOK BLURB: It is an ordinary summer evening in a remote village near India and Nepal border; Roli’s mother and grandmother are quarrelling beside the well of their dilapidated feudal mansion. Roli is lurking in the courtyard; no one from her joint-family pays attention, and suddenly her father appears and clasps his wife’s throat. Roli watches in horror and envisions her mother’s spirit releasing from the dead body. Her future gets haunted by the twin spectre - mother’s ghost and father’s crime. The narrative moves to a small town, in the large household of a village acquaintance, where Roli shifts for higher studies, and encounters various fascinating lodgers, including an eccentric priest, who collects sundry items on streets to co